© Created by Technomage Industries
Gordon Petrie
Mr & Mrs Goodlad
24 months
project type:
Whole house tech, lighting , control AV
May 2021

Initial contact was early in 2019 regarding a this amazing whole house project called Thornton Doocot we were equally exciting by this stunning yet challenging project.  Incorporating a listing structure the owners had to work with Historic Scotland to ensure the integrity of the Doocot was preserved yet met with todays environment insulating requirements.  Our clients with their young growing family wanted to ensure that their self build home investment was right first time and was a future proof as possible.  Wishing for clean minimalist fully controllable lighting we have designed a timeless design which is easy to use.

The steel construction created is own faraday cage and with our experience we were able to advise and design to ensure that the whole house has full communication throughout.

Planning ahead, with excellent communication throughout has ensured smooth installation and excellent finishes.

By using our services we helped prepare full house wiring diagrams and specification for Lighting, AV, smart home control throughout.  Sourcing energy efficient stylish lighting products of superior quality ensures that the energy consumption is low and controllable.

Project is nearing completion.